Leonine Viewing: For Yona

Tracie Morris




NYPL’s stone

lions, kirin watch.

God-rocks, firmament

guard stalwarts

Man-crafts, chimera’s

( ) splay hindlegs.


Felidae frozen,

mid-mane sway.

Gorgon Ithiopes’

Sentinel swarths --

Latinate next of kin, kiln.

Eastern side of the West’s tendril


Land heavy under

gold-weights. A clench-fist

outline, forearm. A paved way,

slink purring kings

Rumble ribcage,

Hot homed, cool here.


From hounding

fox lands, Richard’s

cardiac-tressed crest.

Absorbed sable strength,

shifted forte betwixt

tectonic plates


Abyss’ reconstructed

Albion man’s palpitate,

Gainsaying breast.

Hot pelt shines, conquest.

His kept realms, blessed.

Those Moorish charms reset.



Early epoch


in scroll


Scorched Alexandrine

Truth. Globe


Axle remade, consecrate


erased through flame.

Rulers inherent sport

Determinate. To hold two

thoughts: Fortitude, Patience.


Their faunae:

Delving in hunt

Sprung in foreign soil verse:

“this is me.” This means me.

I mean to mean it. Cartesianly.

Level, stately, nomenclate.


A bind woman’s equanimity.

Free of care of how she’s seen.

A burden-relieved,

holds Castor Pollux scales

reptilian wriggling in each.

Veins vacillate weatherly



Gauging climate

in her frame. Good evil.

Détente made mean

-ingful. Tuning

A440 center.

Ephemera axes make


Her orb stigmata life-worth,

giving. No up or down, long

paths, scenic stacks

twirled view. We are leaning

sphere side, flares like their

Medusan manes.


This sopping stone

iron fired center.

Under-roar of constant

tearing cooling. Here

the fist first

opened close.



Where we began

humankind, started to

trek, treading water settling

into grow things, rescinding.

“For I perceived God’s light

about [them] both wax and fire.”


Our children, corpuscular in these kings.

Black cubs se/ar fervent tomes

Babes born since stores of stories.

Line of ancients, ubiquitous coil

Strand their names-in-wait, emblazoned

in gold, burned brass, vellum covers.




Tracie Morris is a poet, performer and scholar from Brooklyn NY. and Professor of Performance + Performance Studies at Pratt Institute. Her most recent book, Rhyme Scheme (2012) is from Zasterle Press. Her upcoming book, handholding: 5 kinds, will be published by Kore Press in 2015.