Unconventional Methods

Samantha Zighelboim



Sometimes when I’m trying                to motivate myself


to get to the gym or stick to a diet                  I fantasize


about which obesity-related illness                              I might die of.


The CDC has a very effective                         list of potential


ailments, crowned no less by              heart disease, which


I am also genetically predisposed                    to. Further


inquiry into that—my most probable                           future antagonist


has terrified me to a tread-                              mill more


than once. I like to picture                  liquid yellow fat


cantering through my arteries                          and hardening into


bone-white plaque that clings to                                  the tiny passages,


now too obstructed to allow my                      blood to make


its rounds. My heart fossilizes.            I am an artifact


of myself. It’s time to move                             now. It’s time to starve.




Samantha Zighelboim's poems, translations and book reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Poetry, Boston Review, BOMB, and Bone Bouquet, among others. Currently, she is at work on her first collection of poems, Dear Somnambulist, and is also co-translating the work of Costa Rican poet Luis Chavez with the writer Julia Guez. She lives in New York City and teaches creative writing at Rutgers University.