G.E. Patterson


“. . . strange to be here . . . .”

                              - John O’Donohue (Fall, 2007)

                                                                   “. . . in a rather special world.”

                                      - Pauline Kael (voiced 12/28/72 in New York City)



The low light will shift so this will not be


Crowds of hangers on spindled iron rails


Everything once divided into pieces


By time or distance a single perception


Then you were leaving but not yet gone


Stayed by those things you saw you would soon miss


The benediction of caring again


That line of sight stretched to frailty and bowed


Holding a moment longer in your gaze


You were you and there it seems almost endless


Though ending would be welcomed more tomorrow


Stitched or unstitched from what we were would be


It’s just a tender feeling no despair


To speak of steadying yourself on that



                                                           “. . . you saw . . . you were . . . .”

                                                                                       - Jenny Holzer


                                                                              “. . . I can feel . . . .”

                                                                                              - Pauline Kael


                              “. . . blood, spirit . . . .”

                                                 - Elizabeth Willis (voiced 11/30/11 in NYC)




A poet and translator, G.E. Patterson is the author of two books, Tug (Graywolf Press) and To and From (Ahsahta Press). He lives and works in Minnesota and in the Pacific Northwest.