from the Canyon Wren series

Janice Dewey



Sound Pillows


The sky opened at 5:20 with orange pillows

cool breeze on her face


then the song, the cascading soprano waterfall

a river through canyon walls of operatic proportion


the song was right here


right here in the house






After she fed the dogs and exited the kitchen she glanced

toward the ceiling    a tilted 50's light shade centering the wallboard


the nest!


the bird simply tweezered the whole production and moved it

from porch window to living room


the fire made in the antique Ashley stove warmed the whole

family    stock dogs    tiny brown speckled eggs    and woman

with long silver hair






She napped dreamily that afternoon as the sky darkened and the

wind sang through the canyons in ripeness


branches and leaves swayed a hula made from desert rain

forest in preparation for the deluge


it would not come 'til a moon slice past midnight and ferociously

ping the tin roof for an hour


ta-tamp tamp ta-tamp ta-tamp tamp ta-tamp


ta-tamp tamp





Janice Dewey has taught humanities at the University of Arizona for thirty-five years.